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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

obscured by clouds ...

AGAIN! When it was time for the annual Perseid meteor shower, I went outside to watch some meteorites streak across the black sky. However, the peak period for these streaking "stars" was marred by an overabundance of clouds blocking any chance of seeing them.

Last night was the peak time for the (also) annual Geminids. This year the Geminids were supposed to be very active on the order of nearly 120 an hour possible at peak. I was looking forward to this one and would've endured the low-teen temperatures to get a glimpse of the light trails dancing across the sky. Yet, once again, clouds (snow clouds this time) prevented any chance of enjoying the show. The two biggest meteor showers of the year and both were hidden.

Ah well, there is always next year, I suppose.

1 comment:

OneFaller said...

I was clouded out, too...

next year.