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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tellico bound

My SME started Thursday night when Skip Smith and Ben Russo stopped by to visit en route to Tellico. We drank a few beers and spent some time hanging out. Skip left me about a dozen or so craft beers -- most of them I have never had before. Very cool, thanks buddy!

Since Skip was trailering, he agreed to haul my camp gear down for me. That meant I just had to get on the bike in the morning and go. Sweet!

On Friday, I left around 11, I think.  I had to stop in Knoxville to get some brews. After picking out a couple, I headed down US 129 planning to cut across the Cherahola Skyway to get me to Tellico.

I was scooting along pretty quick down US 129 and one of the folks I passed, I recognized as I passed him. It was Erik and Jakob Kauppi with Don Scoda in tow. However, I came upon a Harley parade (8 or 9 of them) and was unable to get past, so I just pulled into the overlook and waited.

Shortly thereafter, Erik, Jakob, and Doug pull in. We chat for a bit and then decide it's time to motor on.

On the Dragon, I see a guy whose bike is over in the ditch. He had an old vintage Honda. Oddly, the last time on this road, I helped someone else pull their bike out of that very same ditch.

He was fine and there was nothing more I could do, so I mounted up and took off. I got to the Skyway and Mother Nature was showing off a full array of fall colors. It was so pretty up there. I was having a hard time focusing on the road.

I stopped at Tellico Beach for a burger and onion rings, that way I wouldn't have to go back out later. I set up the tent that KB gave me (thanks again Katherine) and was done for the night. Lies were told, beers were drunk, and good times were had.


Missy said...

At least we can be thankful it wasn't you or friends in the ditch. Glad they weren't hurt. i miss the bonfire lying sessions with you and the crew. Is the tent big enough for 2?!

edsrockin said...

yeah always a good time. oddly, didn't make it much to the fire this event. dunno why.

w.r.t. the tent ... not comfortably. the coleman is i just need new poles (hint, hint) ;j

Missy said...

umm, you have the pole, gosh you should know th...OH... wrong blog for that sort of thing...