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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I-I-I feel so ALIVE

Wow! it's been a loooonng time since I have been able to enjoy a good live show. I check Red's website often, as they are one of my favorite bands to see live, in hopes they are coming to town, or close by.

I noticed a while back that they were indeed coming to Asheville, which is an hour and a half to the east. I contacted my buddy who usually joins me for shows and he was on board. Cool! now we just have to wait until the date arrives.

Well the wait was so long I had nearly forgotten about it. I managed to check last weekend and realized the show was on this Tuesday night. Uh oh! I hope he can still make it as we both had apparently forgotten about it.

I get in touch with him and he is still signed on. Sweet!

We arrange a time to depart and he shows up right on time. However, Melissa is struggling to get through traffic due to a rainstorm that dumped a lot of rain and shows up about 15 minutes late.

Okay, now we are off. As I head out I tell Dad I won't be back until late to which he replies "I won't be here"

"Oh?" I quizically asked

"I have other plans"

"Okay" I say and was content to leave it at that as we are already running a bit late. Then he adds "See this?" and shows me the *top* of his left wrist and it has red marks on it. Obviously he has been playing with his knife in very melodramatic fashion. "I'm going to work on it some more." he says

I said "Okay, whatever works for ya" and headed out the door. This may sound insensitive, but really it's him being that way. He always tries to start some shit as I'm heading out the door. Not that I get out *that* often, but when I do, and he is awake, he makes a point to be an idiot.

Ah well, this too shall pass! Still, on the ride over it is in the back of my mind. This is the first time he has said that sober.

Anyway, we get on the road and are making good time. However, every time I go to Asheville, it is an exploration of streets as I can never manage to just drive to my destination without getting lost. Sean is the same way -- so here we are together -- we are sooo screwed!

Somehow I managed to break precedent and drove right to the place. Now the problem is parking. There is nowhere to park over there. We finally find a lot and have to pay, but at least it won't be towed.

By the time we get in, the first act is on and jamming away. I had wanted to catch this group as I visited their myspace page and they sounded pretty good. Their name was Icon for Hire. They were pretty good -- the ONE song we heard. It was only 8:20 and they were playing their last song (show started at 8). Dang!

Next up was a band called Love and Death (if i remember right) featuring the former guitarist from Korn. They were okay, but didn't really do much for me. They did a cover of Devo's "Whip It" and made it their own. Was odd to hear it done that way. Even though I was mostly unimpressed, they did close strong. They did a medley of Korn songs that really rocked.

Next up would be Red. I have seen Red numerous times and am always impressed with and anticipate their live show. It is quite the departure from their recorded stuff in that it is much more energy driven.

When they took the stage and lit the room up! *This* is why I go to live shows!

They got me doing my lame-white-boy-bopping around as I was just enjoying the music. At one point between songs, the bassist was saying thank you to the crowd and mentioned a young lady they had met earlier in the day who was a drummer and had on her wrist a tattoo of the snare drum used by the drummer. They brought her on stage and presented her with that very drum. Very cool!

They had a good set selection but it was mostly focused on their new disc. I have all 3 that they have released so I knew the ratio of how many were from each album. They only played 3 songs from their second album and probably played all but 3 from the new one. Sadly, they weren't the headline act, so something has to be cut as they didn't have a full set. Bummer, because they had 3 more songs that, in my mind, are must-plays.

After their set, I was hoarse from yelling and hooting and hollering and atttempting to sing at the top of my lungs when they asked. I needed something to drink. I headed over to the bar to get a bottle of water when my evil eye spied something I wish I hadn't seen.

On the board was a list of what was on tap. They had Bell's Oberon. I have heard about this beer. Bell's is a Michigan brewery and I have seen NO product of theirs locally -- until now.

I really was not interested in getting a beer (HONEST!), but I have heard good things about this beer. I had enough time there in line to think about it ... and think about it ... and ... I caved!

I gave in and got one. I haven't had a beer in nearly 4 weeks. I have another 8 weeks on the wagon ... and I fell off!

Damn! so much for discipline! And to make matters worse, it wasn't all that great! It wasn't bad, but I don't know what all the hype about it was. Hell if I was going to fall off, it could have been for a better beer! LOL

Next on stage, would be the headline act -- P.O.D.! Sean and I have seen them once before and they weren't the headliner but still stole the show. Amazing band to catch live, and this night was no exception. They rocked the house. They played a bunch of their popular hits and a  lot of new stuff. There was this one kid who knew every song and was a big fan of the group apparently.

He would be dancing (violently -- not mosh dancing but just flailing about) and singing along with the band. In any other context he would have appeared to be insane. You know, like the crazy old man walking down the street mumbling to himself. He sure was enjoying himself though and very aware of his body position as I never saw him make contact with anyone.

(by the way, I got home and Dad is already in bed, and snoring, so I guess he must've changed his plans)

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