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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

not too hoppy ....

First thing I did after getting on the computer this morning was to check to see where my shipment of beer (two more kits) and hops to dry hop my IPA were. It had left Russellville at 7:30 AM. Sweet! it will be here *today*!!

All day long every single noise that resembled a big truck had me checking the window. Finally about 4 PM it showed up. Unpacked the box and everything was there. It's always good when you get what you ask for.   ; )

After cleaning up the counters a bit I went ahead and racked into the secondary. It looked fairly clear and I also set aside enough to take a sample for a gravity reading. The reading was 1.014, so within range of what the kit suggested.

The flavor …. meh! not so much. It wasn’t horrible, but it wasn’t great. I thought the hop schedule seemed light for an IPA when I brewed that kit, but figured it must just be me. 

Of course, the fact that I added lime juice (or at least the quantity of lime juice used) may have also killed what hop flavor there was. On the lighter side, I *was* encouraged that it seemed to either have some carbonation or else the lime juice just offered a bittering effect that mimicked it.  

I was only expecting to add 1 oz. of citra hops, but since it was lacking any noticeable hop flavor … and BEING an IPA, I went ahead and added the second ounce also. Hopefully that will make a difference. Time will tell. 

1 comment:

OneFaller said...

worst case scenario: you drink it and think about what you're going to do differently.