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Thursday, January 20, 2011

anxiety? ... impatience? .... hmmm

Okay, in need of bottles and a byproduct of a very rote curiosity, I popped the first two bottles of my second brew attempt .... a bock! I have been intrigued how it would turn out, but knew it was about a week too early for the carbonation to have taken effect on the bottle conditioning process.

So anyway, I popped off the first two, poured into two glasses, and was ... disappointed. The color looked good, the smell wasn't bad, but there was no, repeat NO, carbonation. Yes, I know I popped them early, but was still hoping.

Oh well, they have been uncapped now, nothing to do but drink them or dump 'em. Well, y'all KNOW i ain't gonna dump 'em.    ; )

So Dad and I sampled it. The color was a nice dark brown and the taste had nice hints of chocolate and malty flavors to indicate that this is going to be a good beer, once it carbonates. I can't wait!

Okay, so no more of that for a couple weeks. I kind of knew that, but was still disappointed when my suspicion was proven true.

Oh well, it will be good ... in a couple weeks!

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