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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Here comes the BOOM!

Sitting here yesterday morning and listening to the winds howling like crazy when I heard an odd sound. It wasn't a loud crack or thud but more of a "whoosh" but it didn't sound like the wind. Melissa popped her head out the door and informed that a tree just fell over on Dad's car and the bike shed. UGH!

Believe it or not, there is a shed in this picture. It is hidden by the foliage. Here is proof ...

(sigh!) the bikes are in there! This cannot be good! I was happy to see that the shed wasn't crushed. That's one tough shed! You can see from the above picture that this was no small tree.

I went back inside put on some old "work" clothes and gathered up the chain saw and set about clearing the driveway.

I was planning to go see P.O.D. live (hence the title of this blog)  later that evening, so this driveway HAD to be cleared!

There were a couple "interesting" moments as I worked the chainsaw. I am no lumberjack, and I was constantly hoping that I was on the right side of the tree to make an escape should it give. I guess luck was on my side as there was a branch that had punched a hole in the roof and had it anchored well enough I had to go up top to free the last bit to cut up.

The old work jeans I have are a bit loose on me now. I hate wearing a belt when working, but I may have to start to or find "new" work jeans. I practically walked out of them on one of my trips to the garage as they fell to my knees. I felt like a thug all day as they were very low on the waist. I reckon it's a nice problem to have, though, as it indicates HOW MUCH weight I have lost over the course of the last year.  ; )

After 5 hours of chainsaw work, it was done. I was able to get into the shed and survey damage.
here is where the branch came through                  

1 set of rafters knocked down and are split at the top

the impact knocked one of the rafters OUT of the shed

Again, that's one well-built shed! I am grateful too, because the bikes were just fine. The shed took the brunt of the damage (as you see I have some roofing work to do, but not too bad) and saved the sheet metal caport, and the car that resides under it.

This could've been MUCH worse! If the wind had been blowing in the opposite direction, it would have hit the house. Counting my blessings!

This cleared me to be able to hit my concert too. YAY! I had plenty of time to get a shower and knock out some chores that needed doing prior to leaving.

I was supposed to be at Sean's at 7-ish. I got there right AT 7. Sweet!

We managed to find the place without issue and were there about 20 minutes before the opening act took the stage. This place is a "hole", actually a "hallway". It's TINY! There was room for about 15 people across and maybe, MAYBE 30 deep.

The opening band called themselves The Resolute. They weren't too bad. Along with their own work, they did two cover songs. One of The Foo Fighters and really made it their own by putting a slow spin on it. Then they broke into a Rage Against the Machine song.

The very idea cracked me up. They had a female vocalist that was good, but showed no signs of being able to pull off singing (rapping?) like Zach does. However, she did a very admirable job and showed that she was versatile.

After their set, the stage hands broke down and had P.O.D.'s equipment tuned and ready really fast. The anticipation was building as the fans started chanting "P-O-D ... P-O-D ...." ... this is going to be a good show!

And it was! There crowd showed a great energy level and P.O.D., as always, lit it up! There was a great vibe between the band and the crowd! I LOVE it when that happens!

It's so great to see a band up on stage having a good time, enjoying what they do. Even moreso, when it's a band that has been together and doing this for so long. You could see the guys smiling and having fun all throughout the show.

This was the third time Sean and I have seen them live. Since he has seen them the other two times I have, I was able to ask if it was me or if he thought this was the best we had seen them yet. EACH time we have seen them, they have OWNED the stage, there's no debate there, but was curious if he thought this was the best of the three. He agreed that it was.

What a show! can't wait until I get to see them for the fourth time!

1 comment:

Missy said...

Megan was in her bedroom when the tree fell arguing with herself about getting up. She said when we were outside, that when the tree hit said "ok ok Lord, i'm up!" ! Crazy that two trees have come down in the last 6 months. rather frightening....