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Monday, August 27, 2012

Cutting it close ...

I told Brian I would ride with him a little of his ride home, but since Melissa had to be at work by 6 PM, I would be unable to join him for much of it. To further shorten my participation, Melissa had to run a text book over to Megan. By the time Melissa returned and we were ready to roll it was nearly 2 PM, leaving me 3 1/2 hours to ride with him.

I figured I would ride down to Waynesville with him and then turn back. We took off down US 25 and before leaving Newport, I asked if he was hungry. It was decided we would stop somewhere down the road about 30 miles or so.

US 25/70 is closed (for some reason) and detours you off to TN-107/TN-70/NC-208. This is a great run and usually how I would go to Hot Springs to take NC-209 (fantastic road). Unfortunately, now EVERYONE is going this way.

Funny story, before we got to the detour, we came upon a line of Harleys (4, I think) followed by a pickup truck. They were poking along, as you may expect, and the pickup truck pulled  a pass on the bikes. I was laughing inside my helmet. Of course, Brian and I followed suit.

On 107 we came up on a line of cars and two bikes. The lead bike was a Magna, but I couldn't tell what the bike directly in front of me was outside of a sporty standard. They pulled a pass of the cars, as did Brian and I once the opportunity presented itself.

The bikes turned onto 70 and I was a bit bummed because I knew the stretch coming up is great fun and we would likely be stuck behind these guys. The Magna rider was pretty smooth but the other guy wasn't as seasoned.

We get to a junction of NC-208 and NC-212 and the bikes stayed on 208. For some reason, I was thinking  I wanted 212 as it is nice and twisty and DOES connect to 25. Besides, the bikes were taking 208.

I opted for 212 and after about 8 or so miles realized it doesn't connect. Brian confirmed that on his GPS and we turned around to head back and were able to enjoy a fairly clean run on 208. This stretch is awesome. It runs right next to the river and offers some tasty curves with PLENTY of sight lines. WOO HOO! what cars we encountered were quickly dispatched.

We got back to US 25 and headed towards Hot Springs when we encounter the same 4? Harley riders we had passed before the detour. Heh! Of course, we had to pass them again. Seriously, they were going *that* slow!

Pulled into the Smoky Mountain Diner in Hot Springs. EVERYtime I have ever gone by this place the parking lot is jam-packed. I suggested we stop there to eat and Brian was fine with that. I am glad we did.

I understand why it is always full. Great food and prices are very reasonable. I had a chicken wrap (that I needed two hands to hold) and cucumber salad. YUM! That hit the spot nicely.

However, due to the detour, my error on 212, and some casual conversation, it is now 4 PM. I considered just heading back to the house, but figured I was this close to 209 that I had to run at *least* some of it and then turn back.

We crossed a bridge and there was a left turn as you exit the bridge. The road surface goes from concrete to ashphalt. Well today, it was *sand*-covered asphalt. I slowed down on the bridge once I saw the sand, but once I got to the sand the bike started sliding.

HOLYMOTHERFUCKINGSHIT!!! NOT AGAIN!! Oh, I was mad! the bike slid for maybe a 1/4 second but I had enough time with my thoughts that I considered hanging up street riding. I was ... ugh!! ... yeah THAT upset!

Luckily, that 1/4 second was not detrimental and I was able to keep the bike upright.

I love NC-209! I know it like the back of my hand. I even got a free run for the first 2 miles of it. Ahhh! good times!

But all good things must come to an end. There was an SUV ahead and there were no more pull offs and sight lines were limited, so I just cooled my tires in behind it. The next place I could find to pull over, I did, and Brian waved as he continued on back to GA.

I am now in "go" mode and wicked the tempo up considerably. I am running between 85 mph and up the whole way and passing ... EVERYthing! I had to get home -- and it was going to be close!

I pulled into Newport at 5:30 and am 10 minutes from the house. Melissa typically leaves at 5:40 so I can *just* make it. As I pulled in she was heading out the door. Perfect!

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