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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

... and Then There Were Three ... or Two and a Half??

So a long, long time ago my sister asked me to turn her four salad bowls. I would say “once upon a time…” but that would imply a happy ending. The main reason I haven’t gotten to it is because I haven’t had the material.

I harvested some cut limbs the city cut back prior to winter over a year ago but it hasn’t been “ready”. I have turned a few pieces, but they always crack. I turned a lamp base a few weeks ago and so far it hasn’t cracked, so I figured I would try to turn the bowls she requested.

The main thing I was wanting is to have bowls that were close in shape and size and from the same piece of wood – that way they would all look the same. She has two kids and I figured some uniformity would help mitigate arguing. Maybe not, but I’m at least making an effort.  ; )

So I started in on a piece that I cut large enough to accommodate four bowls. I never have a plan in mind when I start turning. I usually let the wood dictate how it will end up. I try to accent features of the wood and you never know where they are until you start turning it.

By the time I had the first pair turned, they were an odd shape for salad bowls. They looked more like saki cups or ice cream bowls, but that’s just how it worked out.

Despite the odd shape, I had the first two, so I had my approximate expected diameter to match the others to. I arranged them so that the bowl mouth was lined up with the next bowl mouth. That way, you could actually set them opening to opening and see how they were originally oriented if you aligned the grain pattern(s) – besides it helps in achieving equal diameter between the two that are joined that way.

The second two wound up being just a little bit smaller (maybe ¼”), but I wasn’t going to change the first two and then chase the other pair once I had turned the first couple too small, etc., etc. So, I accepted them being a little off.

I left it alone for a few days to see if any cracking occurred. I have learned not to invest too much time into a piece only to watch it crack.
I have lost a few pieces that I was so happy with, but then it started cracking and that was a bit of a downer. So, my method now is turn it, let it “rest”, and see if it has a chance to make it before proceeding any further.

A few days later and it is still intact. I took it to the bandsaw and cut it into four separate pieces so I could hollow them out.

On the very first one, I screwed up. I was hollowing it out and my tool just knicked the edge of the bowl. At that speed  … CRACK! THUD!

The first sound was the piece cracking. The second was the sound the broken piece made as it hit the wall behind the lathe. (sigh!)

Well, I grabbed the piece and it was still all one piece – it didn’t shatter upon smacking the wall – and figured I had nothing to lose now and glued it back on. Gorilla Wood Glue is the shit!

I figured for sure it would blow out again as soon as I put the chisel to it. Nope! once cured it held! The crack is noticeable but it won’t leak. Anyway, I finished hollowing it out and sanded it, the best I could.

The second piece went much smoother and I had no issues with it. There are wormholes in the wood and there is a “gap” in the outside edge where one was. If I tried to take it any thinner, it would likely crack as the wall was pretty thin, so that piece already has “character” to it.   ; )

The third bowl also blew out as I had cut the wall too thin. This one was irreparable, though. (double sigh!)

On the fourth I was doing fine, until I found a knot in the wood and while hollowing it got weakened and now the bowl has a hole in it. That won’t do! I trimmed it out but now it’s much too short to be used like the other two, so I guess I need to find another piece of wood and start all over again.

So I started with four very similar pieces. Then I lost one of each "paired" up diameter. So now it's two that look somewhat similar but different in size and one that doesn't resemble either. "One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just don't belong ......"   HAHA

So here is what is "left" ....

Who knows? It may be a long, long time until she gets her four bowls. Meh! she’s waited this long I guess, what’s a little longer? 

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