I have gotten real slack about my writing and I don't like that. I noticed my stuff reads better and i edit less when i have been writing a little more frequently. it's like everything else .... practice!
At the risk of losing what faithful readers i do have, here is some practice. This is going to be a potpourri of topics with likely no coherence at all. It will likely be as entertaining as looking into the dark recesses of Homer Simpson's mind.
There is new stuff going on. A friend of mine on FB the other day quizzed what his "last beer" would be. This guy appreciates good beer much the same as I. Well it not only got my attention but about a half dozen of us maggots got in on the convo.
Long story short, there are about 5 or 6 of us who are on a lose weight crusade (and doing the "no beer" thing), three of whom are in on a bet. The losers pay $100 and have to buy all the beer at an event we will all be at in Tellico in October and there is yet to be another conditioin -- the idea was that it should "sting a bit for the loser" (originally there were two).
Well the stopping-drinking-to-control-my-gut madness spread and inflicted me as well. I am not in on the bet and I am not really pursuing it exclusively for the weight. I thought a break from the homebrews would not be a bad thing. They are fatty but soo sooo tasty (most of the time)!
The timing sucked though! The agreed start date was May 1.
I quit drinking the Friday (the 27th) before. This was two days prior to my birthday. Now *I* set the early date, but it was the first time in YEARS I hadn't drank at least one beer on my birthday.
My plan is to go three months without a beer. Timing again sucks, because a good friend of mine will be in northern GA Memorial Day weekend checking out housing as he just got a job offer from a small college in that area.
I hope to meet up with him but won't be toasting a glass with him and that sucks! but I got to do this! it's just a discipline thing.
The last weekend of July, I am jumping off the wagon. That will be three months and we have, coincidence?, an event that weekend. I think I have got Brian to tag along since he will likely be moved to GA by then.
So anyway, while on the wagon, I figure I can modify my dietary intake as well and some occasional exercise and maybe shred a couple inches around the middle, all the while adopting healthier habits. Dad has a "version"? of an exercycle type thing? It's odd, but it should work some cardio.
Ever since Saturday morning I have been drinking almost strictly water. I do have a batch of sweet tea I am finishing off but will not rebrew another batch. I figure I will drink one glass of soda with dinner and water the rest of the day.
I am working on cutting the snacking out and what I do munch on, I am careful about what I grab. I am eating smaller portions at dinner. I even try to eat a sandwich around lunchtime (peanut butter or cold cuts no cheese ;( This means leftovers are building up, but the dogs don't seem to mind.
I plan to hit the exer-thingy for about 10 min. per day and then slowly increase and let the body tell me when it's time to stop. I will probably start that in the next few days. If I slowly adapt new habits I can keep up easier than overwhelming myself. Don't want to throw too much at the system at once.
Is that right? I don't know, but it's my approach.
I never did weigh in until yesterday but plan to do daily tracking of activity, diet, and weight so I can gauge what works. I am not in the race to be the biggest loser, I just want my riding suit to zip up a little easier. I joke, but it would be better to be carrying less "dead" weight around. Yesterday's weigh in 222.8 (GASP!), today 221.8 ---> hopefully that is a trend but i doubt i will lose a pound per day.
For my height on the BMI scale that is nearly "obese" -- yeep! time to get crackin'!
I have no target. Again, it started out about being disciplined to not drink for three months no matter what arises. I have no doubt I can do it, but while doing it I can take on better habits. It would be nice to lose 30 lbs. but I don't see that happening as I am taking the tortoise role and looking long run.
Also been out in the garage the past few nights. Had a piece of black walnut I had cut but never chucked. So I found center and mounted it. here is what I come up with ....
Black walnut is such beautiful wood!
The piece on the left has since cracked and not sure I can get anything out of it. The piece on the right I was able to keep and made a lidded box out of.
Here is the box and lid ....
The lid has developed a crack on the top and this may become a bowl instead of a box. I had a finnial-type handle on the top of the box lid but it broke off. i can glue and screw it back on but not sure if I will.
I guess it depends on how the crack in the lid goes.
So that is the 'sands of time' for this episode. ; )
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