We had no power for 35 hours and I *really* wanted to get this batch bottled up before leaving for Tellico. Our power was restored about 8:30 AM on Friday, so I would have plenty of time to the boil water and priming sugar, then bottle it up.
With that done, I set about cleaning up, then packing stuff Dad and I would need for the weekend. Since Dad was going we were sure to have a cabin rented. This sure made packing go much quicker than when I am camping does. In about 10 minutes I had clothes, toiletery stuff, etc. that would be needed.
I fully expected him to say at any point that he wouldn't be going. As a matter of fact, Melissa hadn't even packed at all because of this. This ain't our first rodeo. He has pulled this sh*t on me twice now, so we fully expected a third time. However, he never balked. Can't figure this man out!
Anyway, I packed everything in the bags on the Land Yacht and shortly after that, we were ready to head out. Melissa was going to be taking the car, because the wheelchair would be on the pillion seat and Dad would be in the sidecar. When Dad saw the bike out of the shed, opened, ready and waiting he balked.
"What's the bike doing out?" he asked
"Well, DUH ... it's a bike meet, we are riding there"
"I don't want to take the bike"
"Why the hell not? WTF did you buy it for?"
It was at this point that I was convinced he wouldn't be going. After all he didn't want to go in the first place.
The following occurred a couple months ago when Lori first posted the dates to the list for the event -- I told him we would be wise to reserve a cabin while they are still available. He told me he wasn't going. I said fine, but *I* WAS -- he could do whatever he wanted for three days, but I was GOING! Two hours later he tells me to reserve a cabin.
So, back to Friday. I figured he was looking for a reason --any reason -- to NOT go. This would surely be it. I finally got a reason out of him why he did not wish to take the bike. He said the roads through Knoxville are too bumpy and it's too painful. Okay I can take you down US 411 and avoid Knoxville altogether as that road is rather smoothly paved the whole way over.
Well we sat there at a stalemate for a few minutes before he finally conceded to take the bike. Of course, you can imagine where this is going.
The ride there was uneventful aside from a momentary rerouting as I missed one of the turns that 411 takes as it meanders through Maryville. I think the civil engineers tried to find the toughest way to route 411 through town that they could. It literally takes three different directions as you maneuver through town. Aggravating!
Anyway, we got to Hunt's Lodge without incident and as we pulled in many maggots were still enjoying some chili and lies. Among them, I noticed Tim Schwab stick his head up as I pulled in. That made me smile as I didn't think he was coming and I still hadn't seen him since he left for the desert a year and a half ago.
I got Dad unloaded and he was *quite* unhappy. Immediately he uttered "I am *not* going back in that thing, I don't care how long I have to stay here ..." (yeah, right!) and continued with "... that thing is for sale!" (Oh boy!)
Tim wasn't the only surprise. Christopher Mac *knew* it was my birthday and purposely lied to me that he wouldn't be in attendance this weekend. I was bummed of this and kept trying to work on him to persuade him to change his mind as the event drew near. He even involved Lori in his deceptive ways. Devious bastid! he got me good -- hook, line, and sinker!
I love it when my birthday falls on an SME weekend. It's like having a big birthday party.
I was told we needed to get down to the pavillion by a couple different folks to get some chili. Well Dad was in a mood and said he wasn't going to eat ANYthing. Whatever!
I had intended to get down there (hey -- farbeit for me to pass up Lori's cooking), but was so busy running my mouth and visiting with folks, I never made it down in time. That is not a good thing.
The fact that I didn't eat anything for some reason never slowed down my liquid intake. I reckon I got a little "extra happy" as Christopher put it. I was having a good time, but at some point the memory fades.
This happened quickly after Mitch (Christopher's buddy) showed up sometime after midnight. I had a great time catching up, but again, at some point it became a blur.
I *do* happen to remember at some point after heading to bed not feeling so well. My head was spinning and I was queasy.
The lodge had lost power earlier in the evening and was now pitch black. I, of course, was on the upper bunk. I just knew I had to get down and thought it easier to slide myself off the side and sort of "jump" down to my feet rather than trying to find the steps in the dark and falling on my ass. Of course, that wasn't the quietest way down, but I was more concerned with getting outside quickly at this point.
Of course, the jumping down only resulted in making my head spin even faster. I had the bright idea to lay down on the porch and that really seemed to help things tremendously. The temperature had to be about 50* out and it felt darn good to just lay there' and, according to Melissa, I did -- for a while! At least I didn't yack!
In the morning the power was still out, which presented Lori and crew some challenges to prepare breakfast. They somehow figured it out as usual and, speaking for myself, I was pretty ready to put some solids in my stomach. ; ) As per usual, it was another great spread of typical breakfast fare along with what has become another staple at these events -- Wyn's Goetta -- which is always a big hit!
Once breakfast was ready, I asked Dad if he was going to eat and got "Nope! I just want to go home". He stayed in bed and likely would have all day if my dear wife hadn't decided to make the sacrifice to take his sorry ass home -- which, of course, would cause her to miss out on the rest of the weekend. I wasn't leaving, but she is a bit more considerate than I.
However, she was worried she wouldn't be strong enough to get Dad out of the car by herself once she got home, so she had to wait until when Megan would be there to help her. That would mean her leaving the campground at 4-ish.
So she hung around a while with the few other maggots that had not gone out riding. From memory that was Big John, Sean and Cindy, KB, Alf (who had an electrical problem), Roger, Barry and Brenda, and some others that filtered in from short rides at various points.
I remember Cindy asking Katherine to do her hair, which she obliged. I think KB was really bored or just looking for shock value as she told me she was going to do mine next.
As you can see, I didn't fight her none.
I swear it is getting harder and harder to sit there year after year and listen to all the bikes roll past. It becomes even more difficult when the weather was as tailor-made for riding like it was on Saturday.
Well after Dad's antics, and again due to the actions of a more considerate better-half, Melissa and I decided that anytime I wish to hit an SME from now on, she will stay home with him and I will be able to ride *my* bike there so I can get some actual seat time myself. This is the fourth SME I have taken Dad too, and he has made a point to be anti-social each and every one.
While KB was braiding my hair, Wyn suggested she would like to go for a ride in the hack. I thought she was kidding, but she repeated it a bit later, so I took her out for a short run up the Skyway. We probably only covered 20 miles total, but I only had a half tank of gas, which wouldn't get me across the Skyway, and I was already feeling sore from pushing that big ol' pig of a 'wing around through the turns, so we headed back to the campground.
Lori has finally gotten comfortable with delegating and that was a critical thing for this event as there was no power at the campground for most of the day. Whomever she got to help obviously had a means to make and /or heat up the food, which was every bit as good as usual.
The rest of the night was occupied with the normal lies, drinking, and all-around good times that occur when maggots get together. It was awesome to catch up with so many good folks that I have come to consider family and to have a break from the normal routine of things.
Sunday, I headed off to meet those who went for breakfast. I skipped on it last year, but made sure not to this time. After breakfast, Roger, Harry, Dennis, and I hung out for another half hour or so.
Afterwards, I had to go back to camp and "pack" the bike. That took all of 10 minutes. As much as I love camping, it sure was pretty sweet to have everything packed up in 10 minutes.
I took the direct route home with minimal twisties as that 'wing is just too heavy to enjoy pushing around. I believe this is the first time I *ever* made it home from the campground in the two hours it SHOULD take.
I had an awesome time hanging with friends new and old. I have never been to an SME where I haven't met someone new, and the trend continues. It's always good to put faces (and voices) to emails.
Once more, thanks to the Hunt's for providing a cool place for us to all hang out and for coordinating an endeavor to feed the masses in spite of lack of power or other adversity. You all rock!
1 comment:
Thanks Ed - John H., Lansdale
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