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Friday, February 18, 2011

Citra IPA

Last night I tried the IPA (my third batch) since it had been sitting in the bottles for the past two weeks and by now it should have had enough time to have carbonated. I put two bottles in the fridge the other day -- one for Dad and one for me.

I was quite impressed, actually. The last time I tasted it, I couldn't make out much hop flavor at all. It was still a bit too citrus-driven for my taste, but after bottle conditioning and carbonating, it tasted much better. It is a pretty tasty beer. As mentioned above, the two weeks in the bottles really helped bring out some of the hop character that IPAs are known for. 

It is still subtle in hoppiness, but at least it is finally present. I think I would call it a "mild" IPA due to the fact the hops aren't as prominent as I desired. Still, not bad for a first attempt, especially since I went outside the box (meaning I added stuff that was not part of the kit).

I was kind of bummed I only put one bottle each in the fridge after tasting it.

1 comment:

OneFaller said...

most excellent!

things often get better in the bottle