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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

So Melissa and I finally talked last night. For a couple months now, we have done little more than bicker and fuss. Not really sure how long, just that it has persisted *too* long. I admit, were I able to exhibit a little more tolerance,  these hostilities would be minimized, if not eliminated.

So apparently, her and I had a nice long conversation last night. I say "apparently", because I was drinking. I didn't drink anymore than I usually do, but for whatever reason it impacted me more.

I got pretty damned drunk! Enough so, that I awoke with a hangover. I NEVER get hangovers (or at least it is pretty rare these days)!

Melissa wanted to show me something this afternoon and said it was in reference to what we spoke of last night. I couldn't muster anything more than a deer-in-the-headlights look. I was totally clueless (more so than usual).

I typically remember the substance of a conversation, even if getting drunk. I may not remember all the nuance details, but usually remember the underlying point(s).

Not this time! Yeesh! we -finally- talk, and I have no memory of it. NONE!

I ate a pretty good sized plate (knowing I was drinking), I drank the amount I normally do when drinking and at the same pace, so most of the variables are constant, yet, for some reason, the effect of alcohol was pretty severe last night.


OneFaller said...

damn. you finally get the time and don't remember it.

maybe she can hook you up with some of the details?

edsrockin said...

well she did; and it was important! that is the main reason i was pissed at myself.

Missy said...

hey look mister, it is really none of your damn business just what my boyfriend & i talk about. ;) way too hot for a husband the way i took care of that wife of your too, if you don't want to put up with her leave her in the back closet where i stuffed her, she might some bread and water though!!