What’s in a number indeed! It’s odd. (Excuse me while I gloat a bit)
Many moons ago, when I was in high school, my waist size was a 28” with a 30” inseam. Heh! At 6’0” I was a toothpick – a good wind would blow me away! In school I weighed in at 140-150 lbs. (WET!) – and that’s probably a bit generous.
As is with many over the course of years, the waist size had gotten away from me …. BADLY! I was up to a 38” waistband, and …. LOOKED the part!
Fifteen months ago, I decided it was time for a lifestyle change. I dropped the sugary drinks (pop, my beloved southern-style sweet tea – you know a little tea with my sugar, late night snacking, and overall bad choices; not that I eat all that healthy now (you will never see Ed do tofu, etc.), just that I don’t eat unhealthily)
No doctor predicated nor predicted that I needed to do this. I just knew I was unhappy with that Goodyear around my waist and it was time to fix it.
Fast forward to present. I am now (after today’s weigh-in) exactly 40 lbs. lighter than I was 15 months ago when I started to monitor the weight. I haven’t really “fought” to lose it – read as I don’t workout, etc. I have maintained some discilpline (yes, Virginia, I *am* capable of such things) in how I eat and typically I gain and lose, gain and lose. The fluctuations are typically less than two pounds one day to the next, so it’s slow going.
Today, for shits and giggles, I spied some old jeans I had stashed in the closet and decided to try them on. I haven't been able to wear them for about 4 years.
The last time I put on my “work jeans”, I walked out of them. Literally, they fell to my knees. When I’m working, I *hate* a belt. It’s constricting and does tend to weigh on my mind that it’s there (even if it’s not all that tight).
Something had to be done. Again, I tried on those jeans. They were size 32” X 30”.
I’ll be damned! They fit! I was ready to take a deep breath before buttoning. There was no need!
Holy Crap! Can you say tickled? Yep! I am happy.
A loss of two more inches in the waist and another 8 lbs. on the scale and I will be where I want to; but, then, what’s in a number? ; )
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Thursday, July 25, 2013
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
With Can't Be Without
Passing shadows
Wafting through the air
Going about their business
As if they didn't have a care.
Life is busy
We all have our pace
It's hard not to get caught up
In this and still save face.
Yet we all go on
As if the other world didn't exist
Oddly without shadow
Substance wouldn't subsist.
Wafting through the air
Going about their business
As if they didn't have a care.
Life is busy
We all have our pace
It's hard not to get caught up
In this and still save face.
Yet we all go on
As if the other world didn't exist
Oddly without shadow
Substance wouldn't subsist.
The Not-Brian Rendezvous
My friend Brian and I have been trying to get together and ride some for a couple months now. Heh! We figured that now he had moved to GA, instead of where he was in LA, this would not be so difficult to coordinate. Alas, it has happened but once since he moved last year. Outisde of a short ride to town (to a bar -- so hardly a "ride") that we took while I visited him last fall and him visiting Hot Springs (about an hour from me) in December it's not much different than when he was living in bayou country.
He contacted me earlier last week suggesting that either this Tuesday or Wednesday would be good for him if I could make that happen. With the impending rain on the horizon, Tuesday seemed the better call. Tuesday was only 80% chance of rain where he was and 30% for me. Wednesday, that chance would increase for both of us!
So Tuesday it is! We setup a time and place and were both anticipating seeing one another again. The time would be 11:30 AM and the place would be roughly the halfway point between us -- we picked Clayton, GA.
An 11:30 arrival would mean that I would need to leave by 9:30 if I took the boring way. However, if I left an hour earlier, I could run down NC-28 to GA-28 (read as fun and fun --- when dry) and avoid some slab/highway riding to hit some twisties. 8:30 isn't that early! done and DONE!
I got out the door and the bike on the road on time and head for the slab. The first two hours would be 2-4 lane highway riding. YAWN!
The low-lying clouds were sifting in between mountain ridges and valleys. It was pretty cool looking! I wanted to take a picture, but was more interested in ensuring I wouldn't be late, so kept moving -- not that *I* would ever be late or anything! nope! not me!
About 20 miles before I was to get off of I-40, I spied two cops sitting up ahead on the side of the road. Looked at the speedo 85 -- SHIT! The speed limit is 60. Well this one's going to sting!
However, I had *gradually* slowed to 65 by the time I went by them. I am not sure *what* they were looking for, but apparently either 25 over wasn't enough, they were too busy jabbering, didn't have their radar on, or .... something.
They never moved and I thankfully smiled to my guardian angel. I would wind up having to do this again a couple more times throughout the course of the day.
Oddly, within 5 miles, I saw two other vehicles actually pulled over by cops. I wondered what they had actually done. LOL
Alright, this blog is being interrupted for a moment to rant -- and to out myself for being a dumbass. I am taking the time to do this to serve as a reminder to my fellow riders out there that take the time to read my drivel.
A moment's lapse of concentration can be costly!!
So I'm scootin' right along and there is little traffic at all. What traffic there is, is now behind me and the occasional glance in the mirrors shows no one is gaining. I am in the slow lane as, again, there is no traffic. A pickup truck approaches the upcoming intersection wanting to make a right turn (going the direction I was), so I pulled over into the left lane. I checked the mirrors .... all clear. I start to make the lane change.
Okay rider friends ... what didn't I do? Yep, I didn't glance over my shoulder to be sure.
I damn near ran into a car that was overtaking me. I*immediately* hear someone wailing on their horn. HOLY CRAP THAT WAS STUPID!! WHAT WAS I THINKING?!? just a moment's lapse!!! Obviously everything sorted out and I gave another Hail Mary/Mark to my guardian angel.
Never take anything for granted!
(sorry for that interruption, but if it helps anyone to think twice, I retract this apology -- this is getting monty-python-ish -- we apologize for the interruption. the one responsible for this has been sacked -- HAHAHA! I love those English lads (and Terry too))
Once I finally got off the slab/highway, I am on NC-28/US 64. I have the road to myself and am ready to get some lean time. One of the first turns I came to, I had good throttle/gearing management and was in full lean mode and, as I powered out, the rear let loose on me. No big deal, this has happened so many times over the years my heart rarely misses a beat anymore.
However, following the rear's lead, the front washed a bit as well. I am now basically sliding sideways. I am just waiting for the bike to slide across the road (it was a right turn). Because of the two-wheel slide, *I* am obviously NOT in control. For whatever reason -- intuition, luck, divine intervention, all of the above? -- I did not slide across the road. Instead, I gained traction and was able to leave the corner in my own lane. Thanks again guardian angel!
(In retrospect, I think I *may* have crossed the "oil lane" as I apexed. I am not sure, but that is the only rationalization, I can come to. Prior to today, I have not found the traction limits (even in the wet) on the Z6s -- LOVE that tire, it sticks like glue! While it *could* be that the tire couldn't handle the conditions, I am inclined to believe my stupidity is more to blame than my tires, but I don't really know)
The rest of the way to Clayton had me on pins and needles as all the roads were wet and my confidence is, well, lacking; some less damp than others, but traction consumed my thought process and I "babied" it the rest of the way along the fun roads I had planned on attacking. Hell! I may as well have slept in and just slabbed the *whole* way there.
I could have certainly slept in another half hour at least as I arrived at 11:00, instead of the planned 11:30. Dang! maybe I've gotten past the whole being late thing? NAH! .
Anyhow, I wait, and wait, ... and wait. I check the clock, it's now noon. No Brian, nor his buddy. Odd! Brian is not Ed. He typically is prompt. When he isn't on time, something has happened.
Okay, he is with a friend, I decide to wait, in case his buddy is more Ed-like than Brian-like. It's now 12:30, this is even past Ed-late! I've been gracious and tolerant. Now I have to be mindful of daylight riding hours.
I decide to give them until 1, because I just KNOW if I leave any earlier that I will have missed them by 5 minutes or something. Come 1 o'clock and they still haven't arrived.
The halibut! I decide to head out.
We were discussing grabbing lunch in Helen. I decide that since GA-197 leads me that way and it's been waaayyy too long since I strafed along it, I would go see if maybe they went there and misunderstood that we were supposed to meet in Clayton? Unlikely, but not out of the way and lots of fun, so what the heck?
At least the roads were dry now that the sun had come out and was a little higher off the horizon -- and 197 is nicely laid out crossing a mountain (tight stuff) and then running lakeside (sweeping turns). WOO HOO! the best of both!
I cruised through Helen and never did see them. Bummed that Brian and I have to wait until "next time", but a solo ride is still time OUT of the house and IN the saddle!
I headed north out of Helen and the original route was to take Richard B. Russell, but as I got to the turnoff and saw NO ONE in front of me, I decided to make a run over the mountain instead. GA-15/75 is an absolute hoot just north of Helen.,
Again, I'm cruising along, and speaking of cruisers, after a few turns, I approached a police cruiser. NO WAY am I following it up the hill!
I back off, but the officer is in no hurry. Knowing I have no one behind me, I feign being lost and point to my tank bag (like I'm looking at my map) as I pull into an empty parking lot. The ruse was to put distance between the cruiser and I.
After a couple minutes, I proceed towards the mountain. Apparently, I allowed enough time or else he/she turned off.
Either way it's ALL MINE! MINE! ... and that's how I treated.
Damn! I LOVE that stretch of road. WOOOSH WOOOSH WOOOSH and I am at the top all too quickly, but my lips are stretched from ear-to-ear as I grin. What fun!
At this point, I figured I would take GA-180 across Wolf Pen Gap (yeah with all the rain we have had, gravels should make this an all-too-interesting ride) to GA-60. From there I could pick up TN-68 to the Cherahola Skyway, the Dragon, and then home.
Oddly, as many times as I have taken 180 and as riddled with gravels as I typically find it *when* I do, it was devoid of them this time. I think there were only two corners I noticed gravels and was able to avoid them. Not a problem. .. . just (for me) an oddity! Oh and once again -- NO TRAFFIC!
Along the way, I saw a little roadside cascade. It looks to be man-made as the water falls over the rock, and since now time was of little consequence, I snapped a picture.
Other than the couple earlier faux pas' and missing Brian, this has been a great ride. There's been no traffic to contend with and I am nailing turns without hedging/lack of confidence issues. I am really feeling it -- I won't go as far as to say "one with the bike and the road" -- but damn close! I'll take it!
Okay cleared a "clear" 180 and onto 60. YAY! LOVE this stretch too! Great fun! Once again, no one to hinder me, and am maintaining a great rhythm to dance to! (cue the zoom! zoom! kid)
Once I was in TN 60 becomes 68. My favorite stretch is a long sequence of sweepers that go up and down a mountain. You can really pull on the throttle because you can "see" ALL through those turns so you can (safely) carry some good speed in them with little worry of a soccer mom/squidboy coming across into your lane, because you will see it in time to react.
Once again, free run. The three vehicles I did encounter on 68 either pull over or slow down and wave me by at a safe spot. Damn! I think I need to hit Vegas or Atlantic City -- NOW! This is uncanny!
The luck and rhythm continued on the Skyway as well. However, coming down the mountain the dry roads I had experienced the last 5 hours have now switched to wet/damp. I was *glad* to be stuck behind a pickup truck towing a trailer.
This is good, because it kept me in check and no more testing of the Z6's traction limits. I mean, really! I had *already* tested my guardian angel 3 times today!
Alas, (s)he soon pulled over. However, falling in with the Vegas/great ride scenario, it was only slightly before the roads dried again, so I was able to once again resume an aggressive pace.
I hit the Dragon, but I saw this scene as I crossed the bridge across from the dam where the scene from "The Fugitive" (the one with Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones) was filmed
The picture does not do it justice, as there was much more "smoke [fog] on the water". It almost looked like something out of a horror flick.
The first half of the dragon was once again (say it with me) EMPTY .... then I came upon a train of three Harleys. All day long, drivers and riders had been pulling over or motioning me by. Heaven forbid Harley-boy has the same respect. I tail these snails for a couple miles and concede to the end of my fun.
Then after a few miles and MANY pull-out opportunities later, two of them pull off but the lead DOG keeps on. Two turns later he motions me past and I once again resume my pace.
There is little to chronicle for the rest of the ride. I pulled in about 30 minutes before dark (about 11 1/2 hours after leaving the house) with 470-some miles on the odometer -- sore and smiling!
My shoulders are sore. My arse isn't accustomed to these long rides anymore and still has marks from the frame. Hmmm ... the Spencer seat is a *great* improvement but may not get me what I want. Either that or I am just not in riding shape -- considering the fact I am not riding as much as I used to, that is a good possibility. Time will tell!
Either way, I gladly accept this kind of soreness. It's almost the satisfaction I used to have from coming home from a hard day's work. Sore, but I *knew* I did something that day. Today I did something too (maybe I didn't make any money, but it was satisfying just the same)
Oh, by the way, after contacting Brian I learned that his buddy had tire issues and they had to stop at a dealer to get a new one. Apparently he had a slow leak in it and just decided to get a new one. By the time that was done it was too late to try and stage up.
He contacted me earlier last week suggesting that either this Tuesday or Wednesday would be good for him if I could make that happen. With the impending rain on the horizon, Tuesday seemed the better call. Tuesday was only 80% chance of rain where he was and 30% for me. Wednesday, that chance would increase for both of us!
So Tuesday it is! We setup a time and place and were both anticipating seeing one another again. The time would be 11:30 AM and the place would be roughly the halfway point between us -- we picked Clayton, GA.
An 11:30 arrival would mean that I would need to leave by 9:30 if I took the boring way. However, if I left an hour earlier, I could run down NC-28 to GA-28 (read as fun and fun --- when dry) and avoid some slab/highway riding to hit some twisties. 8:30 isn't that early! done and DONE!
I got out the door and the bike on the road on time and head for the slab. The first two hours would be 2-4 lane highway riding. YAWN!
The low-lying clouds were sifting in between mountain ridges and valleys. It was pretty cool looking! I wanted to take a picture, but was more interested in ensuring I wouldn't be late, so kept moving -- not that *I* would ever be late or anything! nope! not me!
About 20 miles before I was to get off of I-40, I spied two cops sitting up ahead on the side of the road. Looked at the speedo 85 -- SHIT! The speed limit is 60. Well this one's going to sting!
However, I had *gradually* slowed to 65 by the time I went by them. I am not sure *what* they were looking for, but apparently either 25 over wasn't enough, they were too busy jabbering, didn't have their radar on, or .... something.
They never moved and I thankfully smiled to my guardian angel. I would wind up having to do this again a couple more times throughout the course of the day.
Oddly, within 5 miles, I saw two other vehicles actually pulled over by cops. I wondered what they had actually done. LOL
Alright, this blog is being interrupted for a moment to rant -- and to out myself for being a dumbass. I am taking the time to do this to serve as a reminder to my fellow riders out there that take the time to read my drivel.
A moment's lapse of concentration can be costly!!
So I'm scootin' right along and there is little traffic at all. What traffic there is, is now behind me and the occasional glance in the mirrors shows no one is gaining. I am in the slow lane as, again, there is no traffic. A pickup truck approaches the upcoming intersection wanting to make a right turn (going the direction I was), so I pulled over into the left lane. I checked the mirrors .... all clear. I start to make the lane change.
Okay rider friends ... what didn't I do? Yep, I didn't glance over my shoulder to be sure.
I damn near ran into a car that was overtaking me. I*immediately* hear someone wailing on their horn. HOLY CRAP THAT WAS STUPID!! WHAT WAS I THINKING?!? just a moment's lapse!!! Obviously everything sorted out and I gave another Hail Mary/Mark to my guardian angel.
Never take anything for granted!
(sorry for that interruption, but if it helps anyone to think twice, I retract this apology -- this is getting monty-python-ish -- we apologize for the interruption. the one responsible for this has been sacked -- HAHAHA! I love those English lads (and Terry too))
Once I finally got off the slab/highway, I am on NC-28/US 64. I have the road to myself and am ready to get some lean time. One of the first turns I came to, I had good throttle/gearing management and was in full lean mode and, as I powered out, the rear let loose on me. No big deal, this has happened so many times over the years my heart rarely misses a beat anymore.
However, following the rear's lead, the front washed a bit as well. I am now basically sliding sideways. I am just waiting for the bike to slide across the road (it was a right turn). Because of the two-wheel slide, *I* am obviously NOT in control. For whatever reason -- intuition, luck, divine intervention, all of the above? -- I did not slide across the road. Instead, I gained traction and was able to leave the corner in my own lane. Thanks again guardian angel!
(In retrospect, I think I *may* have crossed the "oil lane" as I apexed. I am not sure, but that is the only rationalization, I can come to. Prior to today, I have not found the traction limits (even in the wet) on the Z6s -- LOVE that tire, it sticks like glue! While it *could* be that the tire couldn't handle the conditions, I am inclined to believe my stupidity is more to blame than my tires, but I don't really know)
The rest of the way to Clayton had me on pins and needles as all the roads were wet and my confidence is, well, lacking; some less damp than others, but traction consumed my thought process and I "babied" it the rest of the way along the fun roads I had planned on attacking. Hell! I may as well have slept in and just slabbed the *whole* way there.
I could have certainly slept in another half hour at least as I arrived at 11:00, instead of the planned 11:30. Dang! maybe I've gotten past the whole being late thing? NAH! .
Anyhow, I wait, and wait, ... and wait. I check the clock, it's now noon. No Brian, nor his buddy. Odd! Brian is not Ed. He typically is prompt. When he isn't on time, something has happened.
Okay, he is with a friend, I decide to wait, in case his buddy is more Ed-like than Brian-like. It's now 12:30, this is even past Ed-late! I've been gracious and tolerant. Now I have to be mindful of daylight riding hours.
I decide to give them until 1, because I just KNOW if I leave any earlier that I will have missed them by 5 minutes or something. Come 1 o'clock and they still haven't arrived.
The halibut! I decide to head out.
We were discussing grabbing lunch in Helen. I decide that since GA-197 leads me that way and it's been waaayyy too long since I strafed along it, I would go see if maybe they went there and misunderstood that we were supposed to meet in Clayton? Unlikely, but not out of the way and lots of fun, so what the heck?
At least the roads were dry now that the sun had come out and was a little higher off the horizon -- and 197 is nicely laid out crossing a mountain (tight stuff) and then running lakeside (sweeping turns). WOO HOO! the best of both!
I cruised through Helen and never did see them. Bummed that Brian and I have to wait until "next time", but a solo ride is still time OUT of the house and IN the saddle!
I headed north out of Helen and the original route was to take Richard B. Russell, but as I got to the turnoff and saw NO ONE in front of me, I decided to make a run over the mountain instead. GA-15/75 is an absolute hoot just north of Helen.,
Again, I'm cruising along, and speaking of cruisers, after a few turns, I approached a police cruiser. NO WAY am I following it up the hill!
I back off, but the officer is in no hurry. Knowing I have no one behind me, I feign being lost and point to my tank bag (like I'm looking at my map) as I pull into an empty parking lot. The ruse was to put distance between the cruiser and I.
After a couple minutes, I proceed towards the mountain. Apparently, I allowed enough time or else he/she turned off.
Either way it's ALL MINE! MINE! ... and that's how I treated.
Damn! I LOVE that stretch of road. WOOOSH WOOOSH WOOOSH and I am at the top all too quickly, but my lips are stretched from ear-to-ear as I grin. What fun!
At this point, I figured I would take GA-180 across Wolf Pen Gap (yeah with all the rain we have had, gravels should make this an all-too-interesting ride) to GA-60. From there I could pick up TN-68 to the Cherahola Skyway, the Dragon, and then home.
Oddly, as many times as I have taken 180 and as riddled with gravels as I typically find it *when* I do, it was devoid of them this time. I think there were only two corners I noticed gravels and was able to avoid them. Not a problem. .. . just (for me) an oddity! Oh and once again -- NO TRAFFIC!
Along the way, I saw a little roadside cascade. It looks to be man-made as the water falls over the rock, and since now time was of little consequence, I snapped a picture.
Other than the couple earlier faux pas' and missing Brian, this has been a great ride. There's been no traffic to contend with and I am nailing turns without hedging/lack of confidence issues. I am really feeling it -- I won't go as far as to say "one with the bike and the road" -- but damn close! I'll take it!
Okay cleared a "clear" 180 and onto 60. YAY! LOVE this stretch too! Great fun! Once again, no one to hinder me, and am maintaining a great rhythm to dance to! (cue the zoom! zoom! kid)
Once I was in TN 60 becomes 68. My favorite stretch is a long sequence of sweepers that go up and down a mountain. You can really pull on the throttle because you can "see" ALL through those turns so you can (safely) carry some good speed in them with little worry of a soccer mom/squidboy coming across into your lane, because you will see it in time to react.
Once again, free run. The three vehicles I did encounter on 68 either pull over or slow down and wave me by at a safe spot. Damn! I think I need to hit Vegas or Atlantic City -- NOW! This is uncanny!
The luck and rhythm continued on the Skyway as well. However, coming down the mountain the dry roads I had experienced the last 5 hours have now switched to wet/damp. I was *glad* to be stuck behind a pickup truck towing a trailer.
This is good, because it kept me in check and no more testing of the Z6's traction limits. I mean, really! I had *already* tested my guardian angel 3 times today!
Alas, (s)he soon pulled over. However, falling in with the Vegas/great ride scenario, it was only slightly before the roads dried again, so I was able to once again resume an aggressive pace.
I hit the Dragon, but I saw this scene as I crossed the bridge across from the dam where the scene from "The Fugitive" (the one with Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones) was filmed
The picture does not do it justice, as there was much more "smoke [fog] on the water". It almost looked like something out of a horror flick.
The first half of the dragon was once again (say it with me) EMPTY .... then I came upon a train of three Harleys. All day long, drivers and riders had been pulling over or motioning me by. Heaven forbid Harley-boy has the same respect. I tail these snails for a couple miles and concede to the end of my fun.
Then after a few miles and MANY pull-out opportunities later, two of them pull off but the lead DOG keeps on. Two turns later he motions me past and I once again resume my pace.
There is little to chronicle for the rest of the ride. I pulled in about 30 minutes before dark (about 11 1/2 hours after leaving the house) with 470-some miles on the odometer -- sore and smiling!
My shoulders are sore. My arse isn't accustomed to these long rides anymore and still has marks from the frame. Hmmm ... the Spencer seat is a *great* improvement but may not get me what I want. Either that or I am just not in riding shape -- considering the fact I am not riding as much as I used to, that is a good possibility. Time will tell!
Either way, I gladly accept this kind of soreness. It's almost the satisfaction I used to have from coming home from a hard day's work. Sore, but I *knew* I did something that day. Today I did something too (maybe I didn't make any money, but it was satisfying just the same)
Oh, by the way, after contacting Brian I learned that his buddy had tire issues and they had to stop at a dealer to get a new one. Apparently he had a slow leak in it and just decided to get a new one. By the time that was done it was too late to try and stage up.
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